Thursday, 15 March 2018

Learning while Observing Peers: Therapeutic Peer Groups facilitates Learning

We recently started an Early Intervention Care (EIC) group for 3 children. 2 children in the group have a diagnosis of Autism and 1 child has Cerebral palsy. One of the kids with Autism has an exposure to school, where as the other two kids are completely new to a group setting. 

The children come in with strong rigidities and behavior patterns. The child with Cerebral palsy, Anirudh (name changed), is adorable. He has oro-motor issues and is still on liquid diet. He is cognitively sharp and has savant skills. He only eats with his mothers which was a challenge since eating time would become a struggle. 

We have had 5 sessions till now, which include a lunch time of 30 min each day. Every time when Anirudh resisted putting everything in his mouth, I let him be and we had 2-3 bites of liquid oats in first 3 classes, as an exposure. I would narrate for him that his friends Jaya and Raghav (name changed) are also eating. At the same time he would observe his friends eating and smiling. I would also label the feeling of the kids as they ate.

In the fourth class, we started with resistance again. One therapist blocked his hands and the other poured the liquid in his mouth. The only thought that struck me when was that this is such a task for the mother. Anirudh would not be enjoying eating at all. In the same class, he asked for one more bite saying 'one more bite'. I wasn't blocking his hands any more and he has good 10-15 bites of liquid oats asking for more.

Today Anirudh drank watermelon juice willingly. 

Image result for food pictures for kidsThis has been a highlight of the week.  

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