Tuesday 3 April 2018

Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month


April is Autism Awareness and Acceptance month. 

This month is important to me to pay my debt of gratitude to each child with Autism who touched my life. They helped me open up and evolve into a better person. Each encounter with them made me embrace life. They made me undergo my human revolution and appreciate my flaws. They made me live the words 
“Joy of being me”.

We learned to play together. 
We play to learn. 
We co create joy. 
We explore life.
We laugh and cry together. 

I love u all. 

Thank you for being an indispensable part of my life. 
Love u all to the moon and back.

#autism #asd #spectrum #spectrum_inspired #loveyou #kidswithspecialneeds #playissurvival

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